Volunteer Blog: Nancy Costello

Photo of Nancy supporting Pardip Kapil install Pardip's collage on a wall.

Our volunteers are important in creating a supported studio environment. For the volunteer blog, we hear from ActionSpace volunteers about their experience of supporting our studio and exhibition programme. Nancy Costello, who volunteers at our Studio Voltaire studio, shares more about her time at ActionSpace.

Nancy’s Blog

I came across ActionSpace through Project Artworks, which recommended volunteering. I wanted to combine my practice as an artist with my care work experience, and I was really impressed by the work that ActionSpace artists create. In my artistic practice, I work mostly with film and sound, playing with layering footage and layering sound with choral music and interviews.

Recently most of my time has been spent documenting and editing footage of ActionSpace artist Pardip Kapil’s creative process and outcomes. I’ve really loved working with Pardip to use film and projection as another layer to his collages.

I’ve found my experience at ActionSpace incredibly helpful. Although I’m volunteering now, ActionSpace has set a standard for how I think all organisations working in supporting others should hold themselves to.

If I were to give a piece of advice to anyone interested in volunteering with ActionSpace it would just be to go to all of ActionSpace’s events and opportunities to make the most out of being part of such an exciting space.


We want to say a big thank you to Nancy and all our volunteers who give up their time to support us.

Find out more about how you can volunteer with ActionSpace


Image: Pardip Kapil and Nancy working in the studio

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