Symposium: Disability in Galleries – 2014

Saturday 19 July, 11.00am – 3.00pm
Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road, London NW3 6DG

Tickets: Standard: £7.00 / Friends and Concessions: £5.00

A symposium looking at how galleries can be supportive creative spaces for disabled people by challenging traditional behavioural conventions and allowing disruption to be seen as a form of entitlement instead of one that enables exclusion.

With keynote presentations from Sheryll Catto, Co-Director of Action Space, Peppy Hills, Director of Arts at Sunfield Special School in Worcestershire and Melanie Stidolph, Curator for Art Schools, Schools and Teachers at Tate London. The day included break-out workshops with artists Adam Walker and Emma McGarry and Pardip Kapil, Georgie Manly and Charlotte Hollinshead, followed by a panel discussion including Camden Arts Centre’s Get the Message project mentors Natasha Kidd and Raine Smith.

Broadcast live at


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