Nnena Kalu: Infinite Drawing

Nnena Kalu presented a new major solo exhibition for Deptford X festival


16 – 25 September 2022
Enclave, Unit 5, 50 Resolution Way, London SE8 4AL

ActionSpace artist Nnena Kalu presented a new solo exhibition, ‘Infinite Drawing’ for Deptford X. Curated by curator Jareh Das, the exhibition featured a large, immersive drawing installation that explored Nnena’s intrinsic drive for repetitive mark-making. The installation included new large scale drawings created over the course of a year and shown publicly for the first time.

Nnena approaches each drawing with passion and systematic layering, creating dense layers of colour and shifting lines. Throughout her practice the physical connection to her work whilst making is crucial. Nnena responds to the rhythm and noise of creating so the whole process becomes fully immersive and determines the shape, style and nature of each piece. This installation for Deptford X presented a new way of experiencing the visual complexity and physical power of Nnena’s drawings.

Nnena Kalu in her LOEWE FOUNDATION/Studio Voltaire Award studio. Image courtesy of the Artist and ActionSpace

About Deptford X

Deptford X, London’s longest-running visual art festival, returns for its 24th edition in September 2022.  Their free programme this year includes; exciting Fringe projects from local artists; major commissions from Ibiye Camp, Nnena Kalu and Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck; and the festival’s annual showcase of Lewisham-based BPOC visual artists as part of the ‘Supported’ programme – in 2022 these will be Barabra Majek, Yeu-Lai Mo and collaborative duo, Aissa Ghendir and Puer Deorum.

Find out more about Deptford X

Download the Deptford X 2022 Festival Programme


Images: Nnena Kalu, Infinite Drawing, Deptford X, 2022. Photo courtesy of the artist, ActionSpace and Deptford X. Photo credit: Corey Bartle-Sanderson

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