Lasmin Salmon
Lasmin is a textile artist. She creates unconventional, large-scale sculptural works consisting of meticulously constructed smaller textile forms. Lasmin carefully selects fabrics, textures and colours to create multiples of small forms which she then assembles together to form a larger artwork or series. Intense periods of work are balanced by moments of sharing the work with others, through hanging, draping, and wearing, to explore the artwork’s potential. Lasmin’s textiles emit a sense of pleasure, care, and warmth in the making process through to the love and enjoyment of the final objects she creates.
- Vital Mix, Wandsworth Arts Fringe, Southside Shopping Centre, 2024
- Open House, Studio Voltaire, 2023
- Open House, Studio Voltaire, 2022
- Open House, Studio Voltaire, 2021
- Deviations, House of Annetta, 2021
- Thread, elysium gallery, Swansea, Wales, 2021
- VITAL MIX: Assembled Lines, Studio RCA, 2019
- Threads Contemporary Textile Open, Salisbury Arts Centre, Sailsbury 2016
- Voltaire Open, Studio Voltaire, 2016
- Watch This Space, Wandsworth Fringe, Southside Shopping Centre 2016
- Radical Craft: Alternative Ways of Making, Pallant House Gallery and on tour, 2016/17
- Love the Yarn in collaboration with Celia Pym, Festival of Love at Southbank Centre, 2015
- Watch This Space, Southside Shopping Centre, 2015
- Parallel Lines, Area 44, 2014
- Watch This Space, Wandsworth Arts Festival Fringe, Southside Shopping Centre, 2014
- Pump House Open, Pump House Gallery, 2013
- From SOMEWHERE presents Art Exhibition: In the Balance, London, 2013
- Open House, Studio Voltaire, 2013
- Side by Side International Exhibition, Southbank Centre, 2013
Lasmin’s distinctive textiles work has been exhibited in multiple external group shows within contemporary galleries alongside both mixed media and textiles artists. In 2021 Lasmin exhibited alongside textile artists Shelly Goldsmith, Raisa Kabir and Shona Robin at the Elysium Gallery, Swansea for Thread. Lorna Hamilton-Brown curated Lasmin’s work for Thread, selecting significant works such as ‘Quilt’ to exhibit alongside recently created knitted pieces. In 2019 Lasmin exhibited her exquisite miniature cushions within detailed photographic projections of her work as part of Assembled Lines, an ActionSpace exhibition for the Wandsworth Arts Fringe. In 2016 Lasmin’s ‘Rug’ was selected for the Radical Craft national touring exhibition co-curated by Outside In and CraftSpace. The exhibition toured the UK visiting multiple venues including Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales and Tullie House Museum, Carlisle. In 2014 Lasmin was commissioned with textile artist Celia Pym to develop an installation for the Festival of Love at the Southbank Centre. Together Lasmin and Celia developed the ‘Yarn Mountain’ based around their shared love of knitting and invited the public to join them knit from the mountain.
During the pandemic lockdown in 2021 Lasmin revisited her passion for knitting and led weekly ActionSpace social Zoom knit sessions, sharing her prolific knitting practice with ActionSpace’s artist network. Lasmin has created multiple, extensive knitting lengths over recent years, reworked with extensive patching and chunky repair stitching. A selection of knitted pieces was exhibited in 2021’s Thread exhibition.