Bert Heaney McKinnell

Bert McKinell’s artistic practice combines skills drawn from life drawing classes and anatomical animation studies. His primary subject matter is the human form. He perfects his figures and often develops them into characters within his own fantasy worlds, using a range of mediums from graphite, watercolour and ink to oil pastels.

Bert’s draughtsmanship skills are also applied to animals and inanimate objects, but in all cases accuracy of subject is of the upmost importance. He will create studies of his subject and meticulously rework them until they are absolutely perfect.

He has also combined his love of Manga drawings styles with written text. Inspired by Japanese, Chinese and Korean script he has created his own characters blending several ideas together.

Bert’s most recent work takes his love of anatomical drawing further by creating clay sculptures based on the female form. He is a natural with the sculpting tools and uses Youtube videos to develop new techniques

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